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 Facebook Live · January 12, 2025, at 11:01 AM 

Scriptures used in today's service:

​Scripture: Mark 1:12-28

Sermonic Scripture: Mark 1:28

Sermon Title: "Immediately"

 Facebook Live · January 5, 2025, at 11:01 AM 

Scriptures used in today's service:


Scripture: Isaiah 43:1-7 Philippians 4:10-13

Sermonic Scripture: Isaiah 43:1-2 (NIV) Philippians 4:10-13 (NIV) Sermon Title: "Standing Knee Deep In A River"

 Facebook Live · December 29, 2024, at 11:01 AM 

Scripture References:

Old Testament - Exodus 1:8-22 New Testament: Matthew 2:1-18 *
*Scriptures to be read during service:

Exodus 1:8-10 and 15-20 Matthew 2:7-15


Sermon Title:
"Commitment to The King" (Exodus 1:16-17 and Matthew 2:1-2, 12)

 Facebook Live · December 22, 2024, at 11:01 AM 

Fourth Sunday in Advent - "Love" - Christmas Candlelight Service

Scripture during the Candlelight Service
Read By Members (in order): 
Luke 1:26-38
Luke 2:1-7
Luke 2:8-14
Luke 2:15-20
Matthew 2:1-12


Sermonic Scripture: 
1 John 4:7-21


Sermon Title:
"God Showed Us His Love"
(* 1 John 4:9)

 Facebook Live · December 15, 2024, at 11:01 AM 

Scripture ​

Today: Third Sunday in Advent - "Joy"


Scripture Scripture: Philippians 4:4-9


Sermonic Scripture: Zephaniah 3:14-18 (NIV) Luke 3: 7-18 (NIV)


Sermon Title: "And What Shall We Do? (*Luke 3:10, 12 & 14 and Zephaniah 3:14-16)​

 Facebook Live · December 8, 2024, at 11:01 AM 

Scripture ​

Second Sunday in Advent 

Sermonic Scripture: Isaiah 9:1-7 Luke 3:1-6

Sermon Title:
"And the Government Shall be Upon His Shoulders"​

Theme: Peace


 Facebook Live · December 1, 2024, at 11:01 AM 

Scripture ​

​Old Testament
Jeremiah 33
New Testament
Luke 21


Sermonic Scripture:

Psalms 25

1st Sunday of Advent


 Facebook Live · November 24, 2024 at 11:01 AM 



Luke 17:11-19


 Facebook Live · November 17, 2024 at 11:01 AM 


Guest preacher: Rev. Myers

Luke 6:30 -38 KJV 

 Facebook Live · November 10, 2024 at 11:01 AM 


Guest preacher: Rev. Williams 
1 Corinthians  15:58 KJV and
Colossians 3:17  ESV

 Facebook Live · November 3, 2024 at 11:01 AM 



Acts 1:1-11 (NIV)

Sermonic Scripture: Acts 1:4-8 (NIV)

Sermon Title: "Wait for the Gift" Pt 7 - "Moving from Mouth Check to Spirit Check"

 Facebook Live · October 27, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Guest Preacher:

Rev. Anthony Radcliff Pastor, Willow Tree AME Church, Morganton, NC


Joshua 1:1-9

Sermonic Scripture
Habakkuk 2:1-4; 3:17-19


Rev. Anthony E. Radcliff

Rev. Radcliff is a product of the Washington Metropolitan Area. The son of Rev. Eugene 

and Gail Radcliff. He studied Mass Communications and Music Media at Norfolk State 

University. Currently, he is a student at Queens University of Charlotte studying music. 


On Father’s Day, 1985, Anthony had a Damascus Road experience when he accepted the call 

to ministry at the Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Church in Ft. Washington, MD.  

Under the leadership, teaching and guidance of the Pastor(s) Grainger and JoAnn Browning 

his life’s mission evolved.  In April 1996, history was made when he and his father, the Rev. 

Eugene Radcliff, were simultaneously ordained Itinerant Elders in the African Methodist 

Episcopal Church. The journey continued as Rev. Anthony Radcliff served in the Baltimore 

and the North Carolina Conferences.  Currently, in the Western N.C. Conference as Pastor 

of the Historic Willow Tree A.M.E. Church in Morganton, N.C. 


During his 39 years in Ministry, Rev. Radcliff has been very active in Community outreach 

– joining and serving on numerous Civic and Community Organizations and Advisory 

Boards. While in Selma, NC, he worked with former Mayor Cheryl Oliver to organize and 

present various Community Events. Additionally, he became the 1st African American to 

join and be elected Vice President of the Selma Ministers Association. One of his most 

humbling experiences was on July 26, 2013, when the Honorable Cheryl Oliver, Mayor 

awarded him Special Recognition and presented him the “Key to the Town of Selma”.   

Currently, Rev. Radcliff serves on the Board of Directors, Olive Hill Community Economic 

Development Corporation, Inc. 


With Music being one of his greatest loves, the Lord blessed him to follow his dream and 

afforded him the opportunity to work at Black Entertainment Television (BET), Radio-One 

and with various recording artists, theatre, and television personalities. In 2015, he directed 

and produced “GLORY A Live Celebration Recording” featuring the 2nd Episcopal District’s 

Youth & Young Adult voices (available on all Digital Media).  Also, as the form host of 

“Saturday Morning at the Table” on WCIS 760 AM, 100.9 FM in Western Carolina,  

Currently, he serves on the Executive Board and as Connectional Director of Choirs and 

Vocals for the Music & Christian Arts Ministry of the African Methodist Episcopal Church 

International.  Additionally, he is blessed to serve as the Co-Minister of Music for the 2nd 

District, A.M.E. Church and the Music Director for the Western North Carolina 



As a preacher and teacher, he has done several workshops and seminars throughout the 

United States and Abroad. Rev. Radcliff was immensely blessed as he led the Spirituality 

component of the Case Management Enrichment Program at the District of Columbia’s 

Lorton Correctional Facilities.  Over 300 inmates participated in this 120-day program 

which had to be completed before they were paroled. As a result of the CME program 

eighty- percent of the participants were paroled. Regardless of all he has done or obtained, 

he knows that if it had not been for the grace of God, nothing would have been 

accomplished for morning-by-morning new mercies are seen

 Facebook Live · October 20, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Scripture Scripture: 
John 14:15-27

Sermonic Scripture: 
John 14:15-18 and 25-27
Acts 2:1-4

Sermon Title:
"Mouth Check" (Part 6)
"When to Keep Your Mouth Shut, and When to Open It"

 Facebook Live · October 13, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Lay Sunday


Job 1:1 and 2:1-10

Sermonic Scripture: Doris Gordon will be speaking from Scripture: Judges 7:18

 Facebook Live · October 6, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Job 1:1 and 2:1-10

Sermonic Scripture: 
Job 2:1-10 (**vv 9&10) NIV

Sermon Title:
"Mouth Check" (Part 5 -"Stop!")
"When to Keep Your Mouth Shut, and When to Open It"

 Facebook Live · September 29, 2024 at 11:01 AM 



Scripture: Matthew 16:13-24


Sermonic Scripture: Mark 8:27-38 (**vv27-33) NIV and MSG


Sermon Title: "Mouth Check" (Part 4 -"Stop!") Or "When to Keep Your Mouth Shut, and When to Open It"


Please Note: Matthew 16:13-24 and Mark 8:27-34 are parallel texts.

 Facebook Live · September 22, 2024 at 11:01 AM 



Mark 9:30-37


Sermonic Scripture: 
Mark 9:30-37 


Sermon Title:
"Mouth Check" (Part 3- Who Is The Greatest?)
"When to Keep Your Mouth Shut, and When to Open It"

 Facebook Live · September 15, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Sermonic Scripture:

Luke 1:19-23 and vv.34-38

 Facebook Live · September 1, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Scripture Reading:
Mark 5:25-34

Rev. Gloria Myers will be our preacher and worship leader this morning. 

Scripture Reading:
Mark 8:22-26

Sermon Topic:
““All I Need Is A Touch from Jesus”'- 
Mark 8:22-26

 Facebook Live · August 25, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Scripture Reading:
Mark 5:25-34

Rev. Gloria Myers will be our preacher and worship leader this morning. 

Scripture Reading:

Sermon Topic:
"Your Faith Will Make You Whole"

 Facebook Live · August 18, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Scripture Reading:
Proverbs 9:1-6 and Ephesians 5:15-20

The sermon topic today is “Watch Your Step” Ephesians 5:6-20, *v.16” (The Message)

 Facebook Live · August 11, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

 Facebook Live · August 4, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Sermon Title: "You Were Running A Good Race"

 Facebook Live · July 27, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Sermon Title: "Leave Her Alone"

John 12:1-11

Sermonic Scripture: 
John 12:7-8 

Sermon Title:
"Leave Her Alone "

 Facebook Live · July 21, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Sermon Title: "I'm Exhausted but. . .

Scripture Scripture: 
Luke 4:38-44

Sermonic Scripture: 
1 Samuel 30:7-12 and vv.16-25, *v.10 and 21

Sermon Title:
"I Am Exhausted, But..."

Today is Men's Day!.png

 Facebook Live · July 14, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

 Facebook Live · July 7, 2024 at 11:01 AM 


1 Samuel 30:1-8

Sermonic Scripture: 
1 Samuel 30:6, 8

Sermon Title:
"I Am Encouraged and Strengthened"

 Facebook Live · June 30, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Today is our Anti-violence Sunday.


Scripture: Proverbs 1:8-21

Sermonic Scripture: Proverbs 1:1-10 (*vv.8-10)

Sermon Title: "Run: A 31-Day Proverbs Challenge"

 Facebook Live · June 23, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Today is our Graduate Recognition Sunday.

The scripture will be: 
2 Timothy 15: 14-23
Sermon Title: "The Great House"

Sermonic scripture:
1 Timothy 3:14-15 and
2 Timothy 2:15-17 vv.20-23

 Facebook Live · June 16, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Our very own Rev. John T. Reid will be our preacher this morning!


St. Luke 15: 11-14 &          vv. 18-24

Sermon Title: "The Love of a Loving Father"

Sermonic Scripture:
St. Luke 15: 11-14 &          
vv. 18-24.

 Facebook Live · June 9, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Presiding Elder Chester W.  Morris, Norfolk-Eastern Shore District will be our preacher this morning.

The scripture will be:
Mark 11:22-24.

 Facebook Live · June 2, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Scripture Readings:

Luke 14:16-24 



Rev. Myers will be preaching

 Facebook Live · May 19, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Pentecost Sunday!

Scripture Readings:

OT: Ezekiel 37:1-14 NT: Acts 2:1-7 & vv.14-21

Sermonic Scripture: Ezekiel 37:5-6 & vv.9-10 Acts 2: 1-6 Sermon Title: "Breathe"

 Facebook Live · May 12, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Happy Mother's Day

Sermonic Scripture:

1 Samuel 1:21-28 and Luke 1:39-ll


Guest Preacher: 

Rev. Teresa Wilson, Church of the Living God, Center for Change.

 Facebook Live · May 5, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Sermonic Scripture: Revelation 3:14-22 (KJV)


Sermonic Scripture: Revelation 3:19-22 (KJV)


Sermon Title: "God Is Still Knocking"

 Facebook Live · April 28, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Sermonic Scripture: 
Mark 4:14-18 and
Luke 5:1-11

Sermonic Reading: 
Mark 4:17 (NIV)
Luke 5:8-11 (NIV) 

Sermon Title:

 Facebook Live · April 21, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Sermonic Scripture: Mark 15: 37-41 and
Ephesians 6:10-20 NIV)

Sermonic Reading: Mark 15: 37-39 and Ephesians 6:10-20 NIV

Sermon Title: "Standing in Front of Jesus"

 Facebook Live · April 14, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Rev. Myers will read from the KJV
Rev. Sparrow will use the NIV

Scripture Reading: Matthew 26: 45-56 (KJV) Sermonic Scripture: Matthew 26:50-53 and Hebrews 10:19-25 (NIV)

Sermon Title: "Spotted Alive"

 Facebook Live · April 07, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Communion Sunday 


Rev. Gloria Myers will be preaching.

Sermonic Scripture:

Psalm 34: 1-8 (KJV)
John 20:19-31 (NIV)

Sermonic Scripture:
Psalm 34: 1-8

Sermon Title:

"Don't Stop Praising God"

 Facebook Live · Easter Service ·
March 31
, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Jesus is Reason for the Season

Happy Easter Sunday 


Sermonic Scripture:

John 20:10-18 *v.15

Sermon Title:

"Where's Jesus?"

Easter Sunrise Service

Image by Cdoncel

Happy Easter Sunday 


Sermonic Scripture:

John 20:10-18 *v.15

Sermon Title:

"Where's Jesus?"

 Facebook Live · March 24, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Happy Palm Sunday and Woman's Day!

Guest Preacher:
Rev. Lucille C. Norville-Perez, M.D.

Sermonic Scripture: Philippians 2:5-11 

Sermon Title:
"Not What You Expected!"

 Facebook Live · March 17, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Happy Palm Sunday and Woman's Day!

Guest Preacher:
Rev. Lucille C. Norville-Perez, M.D.

Sermonic Scripture: Philippians 2:5-11 

Sermon Title:
"Not What You Expected!"

 Facebook Live · March 10, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Scripture Reading: 
Exodus 14:10-22 (NIV)

Series Title: 
"God and Money" - Part 2

Sermon Title: "What's in Your Hand?"
Sermonic Scripture: Exodus 14:13-16  and 17:1-7  (The Message)


 Facebook Live · March 3, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

Scripture Reading: 

Luke 16:1-15


Sermon Title: 

"God and Money" - Part 1


Sermonic Scripture: 
Luke 16:13



 Facebook Live · January 7, 2024 at 11:01 AM 

First Sunday
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